Saturday, December 22, 2012

Does it take away from Christmas if you punch the cashier?

It's that time of year, you know the time where you find yourself scrambling though the note program on your phone to see if by some strange gift of god you actually wrote down what you wanted to get people for Christmas, before your ADHD addled brain filed it under "remember this next August" file.  

Of course, I didn't.   So, I find myself standing somewhere generally close to the  item or such thinking " it's just there, on the tip of my brain."  We'll, guess what?  IT'S BLOODY NOT.  Fortunately my better half made me a list of things he'd like and emailed it to me, which is how I ended up in the Pig Patrol supply store, pretending that I'm not a tatted up rocker who doesn't belong and that I do think the idiot rent a cops there getting fake badges deserve my respect, while trying to wedge my way into the hand guns, so I can see I'd I like the fit of any of them. (Yeah, I'm a girl, yeah I like things that have the potential to rip ones head off and yes, I do think there should be much closer monitoring and gun control for people) lets put it this way, if you're not educated on its use and your not mentally stable you don't deserve access.  But alas I was not there for me.  

No, being there for me would be simple, I would just walk away when the self righteous twit behind the counter offended me, but since I was there  Christmas  shopping I had to stay.  So, when I suggested to the fool behind the counter that perhaps they could assist me in finding what I came in for, the item I called and confirmed they had, and she said "No, I'm sorry you'll have to return the day after Christmas, we decided to change our hours today and we're closing three hours early."   My filter just slipped away and I may have implied that she was in the wrong industry to be shoving people out at will, along with a "You are kidding right?" To this she replied by telling me I had no idea what I was doing there.  Yep, me who researches everything due to the above mentioned ADHD thing. After she hissed this at me I turned and spelled out for her exactly what to find and "please could you hurry it up, because as you said your closing soon"   Followed by " I think you almost hurt my feelings."  Twits response " I can't imagine anyone hurting your feelings!"  Ha. Touché my little friend, now run along while I watch that wanna be cop over there stick another pair of handcuffs down his pants. 

Yep, Tis the Season and lord knows I really do love it!