Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Welcome to the Jungle Baby!

Stanley~Raymond showing his disdain for early mornings~
Alright it may not be the jungle but considering it’s monsoon season it sure feels like it!  Don’t get me wrong, I’ll take a steamy hot day over the dry convection heat any day.  There’s nothing that says “shriveled up like a prune.” like 4% humidity.  Honestly, how did the settlers do it?   I’d like to think it was cooler here back in the day, or perhaps they had water coming from springs and wells that are now lost on the modern world.  Yes, well, if nothing else it’s something to ponder.  It’s really not hard to find it here if say, you’re interested in a giant fountain or a pool but should you be looking for a babbling brook may I suggest somewhere in B.C.? 

With a little luck this will evolve into a blog that has a pretty picture here and there and maybe some jewelry to oooh and ahhhh over, then again, it could just be occasional ramblings about what it’s like living on the surface of the sun far away from your friends and very close to your “not really” in-laws, which depending on whether or not said “not really” mother in-law is cooking is pretty nice.  No, this is not due to my lack of culinary skills, it’s because she be from south of the border and cooks amazing mexican food! 

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